Alexa - Do You Ever Check It?

I know very well that the Alexa ranking is crap but just for fun today I checked where I was ranking on Alexa for Cpayscom2 Online Casino. Hmm ranking 3,324,584 in 2 weeks being online is not bad, lol.

Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Hmm that ranking is based on what? I'd really like to know... I have another blog ranking in the 600k and I barely have traffic on it (Alexa is supposed to be based on traffic). Really weird...

I know not everybody has the Alexa toolbar installed because it is considered as Spyware by many antivirus softwares.

One thing I found pretty funny, I always thought the most visited SE was google but according to Alexa I am wrong!

#1 - Yahoo!
#2 - MSN
#3 - Google

LOL Google is even after MSN. huh



9/01/2006 08:56:00 PM

don't you realize that Alexa search is now powered by Microsoft technology? Lol... it's really head to head battle between the two giants.

also, Yahoo seems to join together with Microsoft against Google. More collaboration between those two lately. Yahoo Messenger now can chat with MSN Messenger contact! how's that? :)