I know I've been a bit stupid not to take an old page to participate in the competition, by now I'll probably be in google SERP for the keywords "Cpayscom2 Online Casino". How much more time google will take to include me in the results.
Anyways I tried to search some non targeted keywords.. "Cpayscom2OnlineCasino" all together and google returns only 77 results.. see below
Also tried with "Cpayscom2 OnlineCasino"
I am still not yet in the results for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino"
For the moment google and even MSN and Yahoo! have indexed only the main page i.e http://cpayscom2onlinecasino-seocontest.blogspot.com/ I will probably get in Google SERP once it index more pages from my blog.
I have also wrote an article some days ago, well my english is deteriorating day by day (not my fault) it's the result of reading crappy english, the other day I was confused... saw some people writing "paid" as "payed" wow if I continue reading people typing like this my english will keep getting worse!
Anyways here's the link to the article - SEO Contests: Good or Bad?
I'd like to know what you think about it, feel free to leave comments and please don't comment only about my "bad" english :p
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