Cpayscom2 Online Casino - Entree Francaise (Cpayscom2 Casino En Ligne)

Vu que je suis assez bonne en français ce serais une bonne idée d'avoir une entrée française pour la compétition "Cpayscom2 Online Casino".

Je suis actuellement sur la cinquième page sur, qui est pas bien dutout. Si seulement j'avais crée une page française depuis que je me suis joint a la competition c'est sure que maintenant je serais parmis les dix premiers comme sur ou je suis actuellement a la sixieme place qui je trouve est pas très mal car je me suis jointe a la compétition que le 20 Août 2006 est la competition Cpayscom2 Online Casino a commencé le premier Août.

Bon je ne suis pas une experte en SEO, donc j'ai pas tellement de chance pour gagner la competition mais j'éssaye quand même car cette competition va m'aider a améliorer ma connaisance en SEO et m'aidera peut être a me perfectioner.

Parlons maintenant un peu des prix en jeu, hehe pour la première place il y a $10,000 c'est pas un petite somme, je doit vraiment faire de mon mieux si je veux gagner ces $10,000 :D
Voici les prix plus en details, la competition se termine le 1er Février 2007 à 12:00 GMT.
#1 sur MSN: $10,000
#2 sur MSN: $2,000
#3 sur MSN: $1,000
#4 - #10 sur MSN: #100

#1 sur $1,000
#1 sur $ 1,000
#1 sur Google: $1,000
#1 sur Yahoo: $1,000

Et il y a aussi deux autres prix a gagner
October 1 – 2006 : $1,000 - #1 MSN
December 1 – 2006 : $1,000 - #1 MSN

Aaah j'ai maintenant une page française pour la competition Cpayscom2 Online Casino j'espère que ça me donnera un peu plus de chance sur!

Bonne Chance a tout les participants.
mise à jour (12/10/06)
Surprise surprise sur, je m'y attendais pas dutout a être à la deuxième position (juste après pour les mots clefs Cpayscom2 Online Casino. Je verifie ma position su très rarement car la dernière fois je j'ai vérifié j'étais sur la troisième page..

Je sais pas vraiment comment je suis arrivé la, cette position était aupparavent occupé par victory365, il a des milliers de liens plus que mon blog.. plus les jours passent je comprend de moins en moins comment MSN marche!

J'espère que je vais garder cette position jusqu'a le premier février héhé
mise à jour (19/10/06)
Je remet à jour cette page car j'ai vu que les bots (je sais pas si on dit bots même en français) de MSN ont visité cette page le 17 Octobre:

Cpayscom2 Francais

La bonne nouvelle c'est que je suis toujours a la premiere place! J'ai remarqué quelques fois quand les bots visitent une page leur rank très souvent changent, vous vous souvenez surement ya quelques semaines de celà la première place était occupé par victory365... Bein on sais jamais ce qui peut se passer avec MSN pourtant il a beaucoup plus de liens qui pointe vers son site et il a aussi des pages français, au fait j'ai eu l'idée de lui pour faire une entrée en français. Merci victory365 :)

Sur bloglines n'est plus à la première place, il comptait trop sur les liens seulement.. un petit conseil de ma part, croyez moi ou non, le contenu de votre site est aussi important que les liens. Travaillez sur les deux ne vous contentrez pas sur un seul. Bonne Chance.
mise à jour (07/11/06)
Et oui... la première place dure pas pour toujours, je me retrouve maintenant à la cinquième place avec cette page que j'ai faite expréssement pour Je vais continuer a mettre à jour cette page jusqu'a la fin de la compétition, celà me permettra d'avoir un peu plus de contenu en français, je conte beaucoup sur la contenu et pas juste les liens, prenons par exemple cette page, elle est arrivé à la première place sans aucun liens, donc c'est sans doute le contenu qui l'a permis d'arrivé a cette place, qu'est ce que vous pensez?

J'ai aussi crée un autre blog complètement en français pour la compétition SEO Cpayscom2 Online Casino, et de ce blog j'ai ajouté un lien seulement a cette page et pas à
mise à jour (15/11/06)
La chance ne semble pas être a mes cotés pour la compétition SEO Cpayscom2 Online Casino, j'ai perdu encore deux place sur, Mon blog Cpayscom2 Online Casino se retrouve maintenant à la septième place. Mais c'est pas trop grave, j'espere wu mon autre blog strictement français aura plus de change que celui ci.

A propos de mon blog Cpayscom2 Online Casino français, les bots de MSN ne l'ont pas encore visité, un peu bizarre car ce blog si a était visité 1 jour seulement après avoir été crée. Enfin c'es pas trop grave, er je vais pas perdre espoir maintenant, il me reste encore trois mois pour arriver a la première place sur Et juste pour mettre au courant au cas ou vous n'aurez pas remarquer, je suis numéro un sur pour "Cpayscom2 Online Casino".
mise à jour (22/11/06)
Ohlala, MSN ne m'aime pas dutout! Je suis maintenant à la huitième place sur, c'est triste parceque blog aussi a baissé en rank sur pour les mots clef cpayscom2 online casino. Enfin, je continue tout de même a mettre a jour mon blog, on ne sais jamais ce qui peut se passer, esperons que les bots de MSN visiteront mon blog encore une fois avan la deuxième contrôle le premier decembre et je me retrouve a la première place, ce serait vraiment super ;) Et pour terminer je souhaite bonne chance a tout le monde.

An Interesting Tool (Google DC Rank Check)

I've been using this tool for some time now and I think it will be nice to share it with you. You can check your Google Rank for your keywords, it checks only the first 100.

For the time being it will not be very useful to me to check my rank on google for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" since I am not yet in the results for the keywords.

You can use the tool to check if you have the same rank on all the Google Datacenters that the tool checks from.

Google DC Rank Check

Funny Google

I know I've been a bit stupid not to take an old page to participate in the competition, by now I'll probably be in google SERP for the keywords "Cpayscom2 Online Casino". How much more time google will take to include me in the results.

Anyways I tried to search some non targeted keywords.. "Cpayscom2OnlineCasino" all together and google returns only 77 results.. see below
Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Also tried with "Cpayscom2 OnlineCasino"
Cpayscom2 Online Casino

I am still not yet in the results for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino"
For the moment google and even MSN and Yahoo! have indexed only the main page i.e I will probably get in Google SERP once it index more pages from my blog.

I have also wrote an article some days ago, well my english is deteriorating day by day (not my fault) it's the result of reading crappy english, the other day I was confused... saw some people writing "paid" as "payed" wow if I continue reading people typing like this my english will keep getting worse!

Anyways here's the link to the article - SEO Contests: Good or Bad?
I'd like to know what you think about it, feel free to leave comments and please don't comment only about my "bad" english :p

Did They Hear Me... Again?

Everytime I talk about Yahoo! I see a change in my ranking on the Search engine, last time I posted about the fact that I was not yet indexed and the next day they indexed me!

This time it's about my rank on Yahoo! for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" I checked yesterday and I was in position #374. Today I checked if I was still in the same place or dropped... I went directly to page 37, I was not there, I checked up to page 45, not seeing myself I decided to check backward, guess what, I am now in position 186.

From 374 to 186 in a day is quite good I think. Hard work always bear nice fruits :)
I will continue marketing my blog the right way and hope to be in the top 10 very soon.

 Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Cpayscom2 Online Casino Resources

Other Cpayscom2 Online Casino websites participating in the SEO Contest.

I will do all link exchange with Other websites participating in the Cpayscom2 Online Casino SEO Contest on this page, I no longer give one way link to top 10 websites since I received a mail from one of the contestant to remove his/her website. So from now I do only link exchange, 2 way or 3 way whatever but as long as you link back to me am ok.

I have been to some competitors websites and left comments, 1-2 deleted my comment, really stupid I think as we all know most blog services has the "NO FOLLOW" tags in comments, so it won't really count as a backlink.

If you want your Cpayscom2 Online Casino entry to be listed here,

Cpayscom2 Online Casino - by Pammer
Cpayscom2 Online Casino - by casinomoney
Cpayscom2 Online Casino - by victory365
CPayscom2 Online Casino - by Andrew
CPayscom2 Online Casino - by Dondor
CPayscom2 Online Casino - by Dave
Cpayscom2 Online Casino SEO Contest - by Loki

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Found Myself In Yahoo!

I've been keeping my MSN rank for some days now (well at least 2 days) and thought why not check where I was hiding in Yahoo!, I had nothing interesting to do so I checked my SERP for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" in Yahoo.

Ok I start.. Page 1, pffft not in and definitely not in the first 100 (I use the Shoemoney SERP Tool, it checks if your website is in the first 100 only) I posted about the tool here.
I continue from page 11..... 20..... 30..... still not in, I start asking myself if I am in??

Yaay I found myself, on page 37 @ position #374. I know this is not very very good but well I joined the competition a bit late, on the 20th August. There were already tons of pages participating but I think it is still good. Yahoo is actually giving 219,000 results and on all this I am 374.

Cpayscom2 Online Casino

I am not yet in the google SERP, I checked *all* the pages from first to last. Anyways, we all know that google needs time so let it take its time.

Stats for Cpayscom2 Online Casino

I've noticed that results are increasing daily on the Search Engines for the keywords "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" This was last Monday

Google (79,300 on Monday 21.08)
Cpayscom2 Online Casino

MSN (23,609 on Monday 21.08)
Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Yahoo! (103,000 on Monday 21.08)
Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Yahoo is the only one that decreased, probably now showing more targeted keywords as I checked a bit last time and many pages from the first contest was showing up maybe because keywords for this contest does not differ too much from this one.

A Useful Tool

As me you are probably checking your SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) daily on all the 3 main search engines one by one to see if you are among the top listed.

I use this tool to check on all the 3 main searche engines, MSN, Google and Yahoo!. It will also give you result for Altavista. Check below, a screenshot of how it looks
Cpayscom2 Online Casino SERP

I am now in position 4 in MSN for the keyword "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" :-(
I think these last days I was a bit too happy for being #3.
Anyways the good part is that I am still in the top 10 ;-)

EDIT (17:49): LOL I forgot to give the link :-D SERP Tool

Haha This Is Funny!

Only some hours I posted that Yahoo has not indexed me yet, guess what! To my surprise I am in. Did they read my Cpayscom2 Online Casino blog? Check this

Cpayscom2 Online Casino

So now I am indexed by all the 3 Search engines, MSN, Google and Yahoo!. I can say Google was the first to index me, not sure if MSN indexed me first since I checked on Google only. Anyways now that I am in all 3, you can start hiding yourself ;) LOL just kidding.

Why is Yahoo so Slow?

Ok by now everybody knows (well at least those who search "Cpayscom2 Online Casino" on MSN) that I am #3 with all the shouting in all recent posts.

Anyways that's not what I want to talk about right now, the problem is with Yahoo!

Cpayscom2 Online Casino

Why the hell have they not indexed me yet? :(

I hope they will do it soon, been doing some link building lately, I also need link partners (I don't have any yet). If you are interested to exchange link with me, just send me a mail or drop a link in the shoutbox.

A Little Bit About Me :)

I've been having some visitors lately, you are surely wondering.. "Who is in Position 3 in MSN?" :d

Not very easy to talk about myself, ok let's start. I am Sexy Gurl :D (will tell my real name only if I win), I am 21 years young (ok ok I know I muts say 21 years *OLD* lol) female from Mauritius, a nice little island in the Indian Ocean.

So that's about me. I told you, it's so difficult to talk about myself.

Let's talk about my job, I work as SEO for a web design company since December 05 (I am such a noob). Learning new stuffs every day from webmaster forums, reading blogs (Matt Cutts, John Scott and some others)

I learned about the Cpayscom2 Online Casino from a forum where I am an active member :)

Hmm I 'd love to know if there are any other girls participating in the contest. Drop me a line, we can exchange link ;) *More girl power on the net* :D

CPayscom2 Online Casino is the 1st SEO competition I am participating in

As I heard of the SEO Contest (from a forum) I started this blog as fast as I could, my bad... I am 3 weeks late. What to do? What to talk about? Dunno... that's why my first posts on the blog are not much "casino" related

Cpayscom2 Online Casino is the first SEO contest I am participating, so I don't know if I will end up #1 since I must have some fierce competition. MSN is already showing 24,786 results for "Cpayscom2 Online Casino". When I entered the competition 3 days ago it was 23,031, that means I now have 1500+ competitors to beat!

My MSN ranking gave me much courage today.. even if I am not yet in the Google or Yahoo! SERPS I found myself @ position 3 on MSN today, I was very happy. In fact it's the comments left by a competitor that made me aware of it. (Thank you)

So now I have to target position #1 ;)

Good Luck to every body

Check who's #3 on MSN!!

MSN loves me, can you believe it in 3 days only I am #3!!
I am in the RACE! Nice :)

I was indexed by MSN today only since yesterday I was in GOOGLE only.

To everybody who is entering the competition only now.. don't lose hope, you can do it ;)

CPayscom2 Online Casino

Hurray Google Indexed Me!

It is the first thing I checked this morning... whether my blog has been indexed by the Search Engines. Guess what! I am in Google, Love ya Big G ;) Check here

I am satisfied, it took me less than 48 hours to get in. I think having a link in a big webmaster forum helps a lot.

I am not yet in MSN and Yahoo!, hopefully I will be in by the end of this week.

Weekly Check For CPayscom2 Online Casino

I am not yet in the race.. Search engines haven't indexed my blog yet :(
What are they waiting for? LOL

I have some backlinks (forum signature) already, from a forum where I am an active member, hope this will help me to get indexed faster.

I will post weekly screenshots of who is #1 on the 3 main Search Engines, i.e Google, MSN & Yahoo! for the keywords CPayscom2 Online Casino




According to me, MSN is the best search engine around, at least with msn every websites has it chance of becoming #1

Google And The Ageing Factor

It will not be very easy to get to the #1 spot on google, everybody knows that google takes time to actually give value to a website.
I created this blog only yesterday, it's still a *baby* on the internet :D and not yet indexed on any pf the major Search Engines. Hopefully it will be in the big race in less than a week ;)

Anyways, I think google also don't give much importance to blogger blogs, tell me, have you ever seen a blogger blog ranking #1 for a competitive spot? No? Yes? For my part it's "NO, NEVER".

More About CPayscom2 Online Casino Second SEO Contest

Ok Sorry I didn't stick to my words, I am so excited in participating in this contest that I just want to let you know more about it.

The contest started on the 1 of August 2006, already 20 days passed! Pffffffttt just too bad I got to knoe about the CPayscom2 Online Casino SEO contest only now (I'd already be #1 on msn by now) :p

The contest will end on the 1st February 2007 @ 12:00 GMT

Prizes B-)

#1 position on MSN: $10,000
#2 position on MSN: $2,000
#3 position on MSN: $1,000
#4 - #10 position on MSN: #100

#1 position on $1,000
#1 position on $ 1,000

#1 position on Google: $1,000
#1 position on Yahoo: $1,000

b) At the two check-up points during the contests, additional prizes will be given:
October 1 – 2006 : $1,000 - #1 MSN
December 1 – 2006 : $1,000 - #1 MSN

See more about the terms here

CPayscom2 Online Casino SEO Contest

I just find out about this SEO Contest CPayscom2 Online Casino , it started on the first August 2006. Hope I am not too late :p

I just checked on msn and... wow already showing 23 031 results!

I haven't checked on the other Search Engines yet.. will have a look tomorrow, already 11:47 pm here.

Good Luck Everybody.. Hope I win :D

Live Cpayscom2 Online Casino Top 10 Check

Check who's #1-10 for Cpayscom2 Online Casino on MSN, Google and Yahoo!




I thought it would be nice to also add Cpayscom2 Online Casino Top 10 Ranking for and

SEO Contests: Good or Bad?

As a webmaster you probably already know what a SEO Contest is or you surely came across some of them or even participated in. Some of the major SEO contests organized are the v7ndotcom elursrebmem (by, Ambachdotcom, Carcasherdotcom, and more recently the CPayscom2 Online Casino where the winner gets $10,000 for ranking number one on MSN. Now the big question is whether it is good or bad to organize SEO Contests.

Let’s start with the organizer of the SEO Contest. For the website organizing the competition, it is surely a good thing in terms of marketing as the SEO contest will bring thousands of backlinks in much shorter time that it would take if link building was done normally, that is, directory submissions, article submissions and so on. On the bad side, the website will mostly get tons of unrelated links as many of the website participating don’t know much about the main theme of contest, let’s say the website organizing the competition is about acne and most of the participating website are talking about SEO, these are definitely non related links they will get.

Let’s now come to the participant. For him participating in a SEO contest can do only good since he will try his best to rank for a keyword that has 0 competitions. So in short it is a good way to test his SEO skills and also learning new techniques and improve himself.

When organizing a SEO contest for sure the whole webmaster world knows about it, and thousands of webmasters will participate in the competition resulting in millions of pages created in a short time. Do search engines see this as spamming? Nobody knows… But I personally think that after a competition the participating websites should be deleted since many of them will not be of any value on the web. For example a website talking about SEO to rank for the keyword “acne” is completely useless don’t you think?

To sum up, SEO Contests are both good and bad. But I think it will be a good idea to remove participating websites from the web once the contest is over. Many people may not share the same view but we should also think about the average internet users as not everybody online are webmasters.